Illinois Food Service License Practice Test 2024 - Free Food Service License Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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An operation received a violation in the outside area of the facility. The manager saw that the dumpster was not placed on a proper surface. What was the problem?

The dumpster was on a freshly paved area

The surface under the dumpster should have been paved

The correct answer is that the surface under the dumpster should have been paved. Proper placement of dumpsters is essential to ensure hygiene and easy cleaning. A paved surface helps prevent liquids and food waste from seeping into the ground, which can attract pests and lead to contamination. It also makes it easier to clean the area around the dumpster, maintaining sanitation standards required by health regulations. Having the dumpster on a grassy patch makes it difficult to manage waste properly and can lead to a buildup of waste and odor. Therefore, a paved surface is necessary to uphold health and safety guidelines in food service operations.

The dumpster was placed on a grassy patch

The lights in that area were off


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